buffy and angel

The story of Buffy & Angel was the one that touches thousands hearts of people who watched Buffy the vampire Slayer & Angel (1997-2004). He, an immortal vampire, cursed by gypsies for killing their girl, her mortal enemy. She, a vampire Slayer, a searcher for normal life, innocent & fragile. From the moment of their first encounter & till the last one, at the end of BTVS season 7, we were able to see a touching loveline of a vampire & the Slayer. She's the light, he's the Darkness...

Their love grew stronger & stronger, Buffy was pretty sure she'll spend her life with Angel, but there are no happy endings on Whedonverse. Eventually, after their first lovemaking Angel felt the moment of pure happiness & lost his soul. Buffy had to face his evil twin - Angelus. Surviving a heartbreak, she was ready to kill Angelus, but in the last moment his soul was restored & The Slayer, giving up everything she had, killed the love of her life, the man she loved more than anything in this world, sending Angel to Hell. Barely realizing her presence in this world, Buffy ran from Sunnydale & spent the entire summer away from the place, where she lost everything, being haunted in her dreams by Angel & guiltiness because she had to save the world, paying too big cost.

ventually, Angel was back from the Hell, he didn't know how, but he was more than just crazy, after being tortured for like 100 years (different dimension - different count of time). Buffy found him & helped Angel to get better, knowing they'll never ever have what they had before. She kept in secret Angel's return from her  friends, felling lost in words how to tell them & afraid of being told to stay away from him. But two lovers managed to stay together sharing nothing but loving looks & gentle rare kisses. As Buffy thought everything was getting only better, Angel decided to leave her after they'll survive the final battle (end of BTVS season 3). With a broken heart, Buffy spent her prom night dancing in the tight embrace of the man that she loved ever after. Wishing her normal life & normal relationship, Angel left Buffy in the morning mist, sending her a parting glance & dissolving into the clouds of mist.

Trying to get over Buffy, Angel left to LA, leaving Sunnydale & his love, but had to come back soon to save Buffy's life. Keeping his visit in a secret, he managed to stay away from her & left to LA again, but Buffy found out about the fact that Angel was in Sunnydale & was pretty hatred because he hid from her. So, the Slayer went to LA for a talk with her ex-lover. When she & Angel were having a talk, a demon attacked them & Angel's blood mixed with one's, making him human. Finally Buffy & Angel got a chance to stay together & a chance for... well, you know what for... :) For the thing that was under a taboo for them when he was a vampire with a soul. But later Angel had to turn time back to save Buffy's life & that perfect day of his life when he was human was erased from memories of everyone except Angel. Buffy left back to Sunnydale & Angel had to live on with a burden of memories that perhaps could let a little sunshine intro his gloomy life. Time passed & Buffy found a new lover, who was actually beaten up by Angel. But that's when both of them understood that their ways separated finally. Angel paid Buffy one more visit on her mother's funeral, helping her to live through the toughest night in her life & sharing a gentle kiss. He left again, not knowing that in a couple of month his love will die, saving the world. After finding out that Buffy died, Angel, stricken by grief, left LA & spent the entire summer living over, trying to forget. To his surprise, Buffy was brought back into the world of living & them met again. Angel came to Sunnydale for the last visit & the urge to help Buffy in her final battle. He was pretty pissed when found out that she had some chemistry with Spike, the vampire, but Buffy eventually let him understand that when she'll be ready to start a normal life & she'll have a chance for it, Angel will be the one man she'll ever return to.

... This heartbreaking & loving story appeared so close to many people's hearts. Thousands of Buffy/Angel fans keep believing & sending TV show producers peanut butter & ice-cream, while thinking "Maybe? What if in Buffy movie the will be together?". There's always place left for a hope.

HE EARLY YEARS: A mysterious stranger brings warnings of impending danger and doom, and then disappears into the night like a frigment of the imagination. What else is there to do, but fall in love with this man? And that's what Buffy Summers did. Student at Sunnydale High School by day, Slayer by night, although apprehensive about 'him', was already in love with the charming Angel, as he had been with her since the day she received her calling, beknownest to her.


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